Friday, May 14, 2010

One Scone, or Two?

Last week the playgroup Emi & I go to had a Mother's Day potluck in the park, and as usual, I was scrambling around at the last minute, searching the cupboards for something to bring. Then I spied a package of cream cheese in the fridge and instantly I knew what I to make.

Scones smothered in large dollops or rich, sweet Devonshire cream are lovely with cucumber sandwiches and cups of strong Earl Grey tea. They're also the perfect accoutrement for a picnic brunch. 

I dug out an old Bon Appetit scone recipe I like to trot out anytime I serve "high tea." I like this recipe because the scones come out light and fluffy, almost like cake, and they're ridiculously easy to make. Occasionally I'll add a cup of fresh strawberries or currants. For our Mother's Day picnic, I threw in 1/2 a cup of toasted pecans.

My other favorite teatime goodie is Devonshire cream. I discovered a great recipe years ago when I threw a baby shower for a friend who'd spent a few years living in London and came back with a taste for clotted cream. Now, I can't even remember where I got the recipe because I just scribbled the ingredients down on a piece of scrap paper, which is tucked safely in my three-ring-binder/family cookbook.

Like the scones recipe, this version of Devonshire cream is really simple and super yummy. It also goes great with waffles or fresh berries.

Devonshire Cream

3 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup whipping cream
4 tsp. powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla

In an electric mixer, whip ingredients until soft peaks form. Chill until serving.

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